The seasons we are dealing with.
Eccl 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.
In the book of Timothy chapter 4 Paul writes about being ready in season and out of season. For years I have viewed this as how we minister. When we are ready and prepared we are in season and when we are called to say something and you didn’t have a time to prepare you were out of season. Even though it might have felt that way I don’t believe it is what the scripture is saying.
Seasons are what we all have. We have natural seasons and we have spiritual seasons. The great thing about seasons is that some seasons we love and some we don’t love at all. I love spring because it speaks of new life. My wife likes winter because it is Christmas and snow. The good thing about these seasons is that they all have a beginning and an end. The scripture says that to everything there is a season. This statement is both absolute as well as blank. The absolute is that every season or situations have a beginning but it also has an end. The blank statement is that “everything” allows us to fill in the blank. What is it that you are experiencing right now? What is the season that you are in? Is it a season of drought? Is it a season of debt? Take heart because it has an end. Every season or attack from the enemy has an expiration date on it.
There is also a time to every purpose under heaven. This is an amazing statement. Time is a created thing. God is outside of time. Time is what we live in. God is outside of time. Circumstances, sickness, death, wealth, poverty and all these things are locked into time. None of this exist outside of time. That means it is a created thing. All of this has an expiration date. What we have will only stay on this side of the grave. In the timeless realm of God this sickness and debt and death does not exist. God capsulated all that we know in the natural to time and a season.
The good news is that God didn’t stay outside of time. The word became flesh. God stepped into time because we needed Him. To every purpose there is a time or a time to every purpose. Without God time has no purpose. For God to give purpose to time, he stepped into it and gave it purpose. Let me make it clear. Cancer has no purpose. God is the purpose of your time. Debt has no purpose. God is your purpose. Why do we have sickness and struggles? Because of a sinful world.
When they asked Jesus why a man was born blind he gave them the answer. So that he glory of God could be revealed. He refused to see what they saw. “Did he or his parents sin.” They were looking at sin as if sin was what gave the blindness reason. Sin is not the purpose of your time. God game to deliver us from sin. God is the purpose of time.
The church has believed the wrong thing. At Lazarus grave they blamed Jesus for being late. They looked at the wrong thing. Jesus told Mary and Martha what the purpose was. “I am the resurrection and the life.” The purpose of Lazarus death was so that the Life of God could be revealed. A time to every purpose under heaven. Wow, God knows how to redeem your time and your purpose.
When we see the wrong thing we will agree with the wrong thing. Ths doesn’t mean that we live in denial. That would be stupid. What we do is we acknowledge the thing that is wrong but faith says that what I am looking for is the answer not the cause. Jesus is the answer. Mary and Martha saw the problem. Jesus saw the answer. When Jesus asked them to feed the five thousand they saw the problem. Five loaves and two fish was a problem because they saw five thousand people. To Jesus five loaves and two fish was the solution because he looked into heaven and saw the solution.
What are you dealing with? What are you looking at while you are dealing with this problem? Jesus looked up and blessed the bread and fishes. At Lazarus grave he looked up and thank God that HE always hear him when he prays. Joshua looked up and saw the Angel of the Lord when he had to defeat Jericho. Abraham looked up after three days and saw the mountain where God would provide a lamb in the place of his son. John was in the spirit on the Lords day and the heavens opened up and he saw Jesus in his glorified state. What are you looking at? Your problem has a season. In that season God has the answer. He did not leave us as orphans. Look for Him today and you will find him.