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Caretakers, Undertakers and Risk Takers

Caretakers, Undertakers and Risk takers

Who do you think you are? How dare you say the devil is our father? How dare you make an accusation like that? I can hear them talking and their blood is boiling. We are Moses’ disciples and we know God spoke to him, but this Jesus…we don’t know where He is from. The religious folk didn’t like Jesus because He lived in a way that was beyond their comfort zones. Hey – everybody likes you as long as you are just like him or her. Just don’t be different and know that to them unity is only if you support what they do. 

In religion you can become a good “Caretaker” really easily. The disciples in the boat in Matt. 14 were all caretakers. We will stay in the boat and take care of the business as usual while you Peter can go and walk on the water. Isn’t it amazing to think that while the Ark was in David’s backyard the services at the Tabernacle were still going on as usual without the presence of God? Just taking care of business while You, God, are living with David. We have become so efficient in the “doing” that we don’t miss the fellowship that leads to true relationship. In most Churches today, it is business as usual and man has become good caretakers. In the book of Revelation Jesus reminds the Church of Ephesus that they have become laborers for His Name but forgot to return to their first love. God always values fellowship above labor. Just ask Martha who wanted to serve instead of sitting at His feet. Mary chose the better part! Martha was a caretaker.

Then there are also the “undertakers”. Oh, these are the guys that like to work with the dead stuff. They are the ones that measure and determine how big the failure is going to be. They have lost hope. They always see how bad it is going to get. We are told when the end of the world is coming because they scream it from their pulpits every week. We are taking measurements right now. We even know the date! The Bible is clear that He is not the God of the dead but of the living. In Him is life and that life has the power to save all that believe on Him. He doesn’t come like a thief in the night for those that expect Him. Five virgins had their lamps filled and went in. We don’t need undertakers when we serve a God that raises the dead and has a hope and a future for us.

Then there is the “risk takers”. They are the hungry. They are the radicals. They are out of the boat, and they are on the mountain. They don’t ask questions, they cause the questions. They don’t fit the norm, they create new possibilities. They act on the Word, and they value encounter above the understanding or the ability to explain the encounter. They serve a God bigger than the Bible and a God more righteous than the law. Their God is not just supernatural, and they never see the impossible as their God makes all things possible. They live with extravagant love, and a sacrifice is a deposit into eternal purpose and destiny. They never question, but they always agree with His will. They follow Him everywhere He goes, and they know His voice. They walk the second mile, and they turn the other cheek. No price is too high and no mountain too steep. They try and they fall and get up again and do it all over again. With determination they run the race and they have opted out of the choice to choose anyone but Him. He is their all in all. They are the risk takers. They are the murderers that become Apostles. They are the stutterers that deliver a nation. They are the adulterers that build Him a house and they are the dreamers that rule on the throne.

What are you? Are you a caretaker, undertaker or are you a risk taker? Two don’t need faith at all. One only exists by faith. Two do not move God. One causes God to move for you. Make your choice and adjust your vision. This is the life that pleases Him!